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The cleveland show

The Cleveland Show is an animated sitcom created and produced by Mike Henry, Richard Appel and Seth Macfarlane as a spin-off of Family Guy. The series centers on Mike Henry's character, Cleveland Brown and his blended family. In addition to voicing Cleveland, Mike voices many of the show's main characters, including Rallo Tubbs, Coach McFall and Dwayne Meighan. The Cleveland Show ran from 2009-2013 on FOX and can now be seen on Hulu and Comedy Central.

The Cleveland Show

The Cleveland Show

Mike Henry with special guests at The Cleveland Show studio.

Mike Henry with special guests at The Cleveland Show studio.


The Orville is a science fiction comedy series inspired by the television series Star Trek and created by Seth MacFarlane. Mike Henry portrays the friendly, music-loving alien, Dann, a Lieutenant and Engineer stationed aboard the ship. Dann’s species, while common in the Planetary Union, is unknown. His favorite job is curating the elevator's playlist. The Orville streams on Hulu.

Mike Henry transforming into Dann the Alien.

Mike Henry on the set of The Orville.

Home on the strange

Home on the Strange is an independent comedy television pilot starring Mike Henry as Reggie Wilkerson (aka Mr. Hilarious), a TV star who returns to his hometown in Virginia to deal with a family crisis. He has evolved from small-town country-club society, but nothing there has changed.

It was written, directed, produced and financed by Mike Henry and produced by his brother, Patrick Henry and Executive Produced by Joseph Micucci. It also stars Jenny Wade, Steve Agee and Kevin Michael Richardson. A demo was shot in Richmond, Virginia by cinematographer Bunt Young in the fall of 2016 and edited by Nick Wurz at Mondial Creative in Richmond, VA.

Mike Henry as Reggie Wilkerson with brother Timmy, played by Steve Agee.

Mike Henry as Mr. Hilarious.

The Henry brothers

Mike and Patrick Henry worked together for over 20 years writing, producing and directing TV shows, short films and commercials. Their work includes Family Guy, Kicked In the Nuts, comedy shorts for Lorne Michaels’ Burly Bear Network, Patrick’s student films at the Rhode Island School of Design, award-winning commercials and commercial parodies. Their final collaboration was the independent TV pilot Home on the Strange, which Mike wrote, directed and starred in and Patrick produced. Patrick Henry died from complications from diabetes on January 9, 2017.

Mike and Patrick Henry at The Cleveland Show premier. 

Mike and Patrick Henry at The Cleveland Show premier. 

Mike and Patrick Henry with childhood friend, Dave Schools of Widespread Panic who happily agreed to be Kicked in the Nuts. 

Mike and Patrick Henry with childhood friend, Dave Schools of Widespread Panic who happily agreed to be Kicked in the Nuts

Mike and Patrick Henry with David Lynch.

Mike and Patrick Henry with David Lynch.

Mike and Patrick Henry with U2’s Larry Mullen Jr.

Mike and Patrick Henry with U2’s Larry Mullen Jr.