
Mike Henry's main man, Cleveland Brown. 

Cleveland Brown, created and voiced by Mike. 

Cleveland Brown

Cleveland Orenthal Brown Sr. was voiced by Mike Henry in both the Family Guy and The Cleveland Show series. Cleveland was created by Mike and his character was conceived during the seventh-inning stretch of a Cleveland Indians game. The voice of the character is an adaptation of one of Mike's good friends from Virginia. 

Cleveland is usually depicted as exceedingly peaceful, patient, and sweet, and only on rare occasions has he been known to lose his temper. However, Cleveland gets visibly annoyed with racist behavior. He often acts as the voice of caution when other characters hatch harebrained schemes. 

Mike Henry's favorite, Consuela.

Consuela, created and voiced by Mike.


Mike voices for the recurring Family Guy character, Consuela. Consuela is a maid who is Hispanic and speaks broken English. Whenever she is asked to do anything, she usually says "No, no, no..."

She has a nephew named Mikey, who sells light-up yo-yos, and a son named Rodrigo, who is in prison. She also has a husband who is still living in Mexico, and to see him annually on Valentine's Day, she crosses the border illegally into Mexico. 


Bruce, voiced by Mike. 

Bruce, created and voiced by Mike.


Bruce is a mustached man who speaks effeminately in a calm, drawn-out voice with a slight lisp. He is one of Mike's recurring characters and has appeared on both Family Guy and The Cleveland Show. Bruce is known for having had many jobs and for giving unsolicited advice at inopportune times. He is presumed to be gay and has partner named, Jeffrey.

Mike Henry voices for Herbert the Pervert. 

Herbert, created and voiced by Mike.


John Herbert is an elderly pederast often referred to solely by last name, who resides just down the street from the Griffin family. Voiced by Mike, Herbert has a high-pitched, very soft effeminate voice and pronounces sibilant consonants with a high-pitched whistle. Herbert is often seen wearing a light blue robe and slippers, walks with a walker and frequently makes inappropriate, sexually tinged comments to teenage boys.

Mike Henry doubling as Dann with cast member, Mark Jackson. 

Mike Henry doubling as Dann with cast member, Mark Jackson. 

Lieutenant Dann

Dann the alien, played by Mike Henry, is a Lieutenant and Engineer stationed on the USS Orville. Dann is a very social and friendly individual, if not a bit awkward and intrusive. He often tries to make friends with other members on board the ship and generally be involved in their conversations. This is especially apparent when he tries to make conversation with Captain Mercer and Commander Grayson while riding in the elevator. Though his behavior is generally tolerated, Mercer and Grayson on different occasions have blown up at him for trying to trying to speak with them at poor times.